Thursday, March 5, 2020

Adventuring in the Farmers Market

Adventuring in the Farmer's Market Aerial Footage of the Oshkosh Farmers Market d in cities that are excellent for adventuring. While it can be relaxing to wander the streets alone, it is generally not encouraged (especially for girls) for obvious reasons. What is advised is having a venturesome group of friends to take on the city. My favorite place is the local farmer’s market. Depending on the city, the farmer’s market may be big or small, weekly or once a month. Regardless, it is an excellent place to go as a broke college kid. There are many things offered there that can’t be found in other places. First, it’s free. A person is not required to buy anything there; they can simply come to look and experience. This also makes it a great place to people watch with a cup of coffee. For the artsy folk, it can be a place to gather ideas and observe social scenes, whatever the medium used to record said art work later. While thinking about art work, it is good to have some food handy, especially if it was acquired at the place of inspiration. Secondly, the farmer’s market has decently cheap food. Food is often on the forefront of college student’s minds, and with a diet of ramen and pizza, it can get pretty boring after a while. Well, thanks to the farmer’s market, a whole new range of foods can be consumed. Foods such as fruits and vegetables may be foreign objects to most college students. However, things like cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, peaches, and of course sweet corn are now available at a reasonable price. This means not only good food, but more cooking experiments with roommates. While in search of food, socializing with the people there can also provide a valuable experience. The farmer’s market is just a good place to meet and social with people. It is a place to enjoy oneself and have fun with friends. The people there often range from new acquaintances to old friends. In the range of new acquaintances, the farmer’s market is a surprisingly good place to network with people in the future profession of your choice. For example, a person might get involved in a local food co-op or learn more about a local business that they would like to be apart of. Showing interest in the community is one of the most important things a student can do with their time at college; they never know when it might come back to help them later. From eating to socializing to just enjoying the scenery, the farmer’s market has something for everyone. It almost always offers a few new surprises, and it guarantees a lovely Saturday morning, barring of course, the chance of rain.

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